
The Cyber Record uses information from all "legacy" Werewolf: The Apocalypse editions, which includes First Edition, Second Edition, Revised Edition, and 20th Anniversary Edition, as well as By Night Studios and Mind's Eye Theater versions.  It does not feature W5 content.
See the footer for information on the current owner of World of Darkness and Werewolf: the Apocalypse IP.

Data contains demographics, reference, and more!

Demographics & Representation

The Cyber Record's data sheets are still a work in progress.

The following data and analysis are the work of ExcelGarou ( and presented here with permission.
You can also read it in its original doc here.

Analysis of Garou Statistics in Werewolf: the Apocalypse


There’s a wealth of characters drawn up in Werewolf: the Apocalypse, from the template characters at the end of every tribebook to the movers and shakers in “Rage Across” titles.  I became interested in what exactly these characters said about the writers’ perceptions of various groups.  Thereafter I set about assembling data on every Garou I could find statted throughout the game’s long life, from first edition on through W20.  It allowed me to examine the demographics of characters brought to life, as well as their average stats.

What follows are examinations of the demographics and stats of major character types - gender (female and male — I could find no firmly nonbinary characters), breed, auspice and tribe. Demographics are basically raw, all characters I could find that were written up and weren’t duplicates (i.e. a later-edition stat block of the same character) are included.  The stat averages themselves are weighted to account for different rank distributions in different groups (i.e. how Bone Gnawer NPCs tend to be lower ranks on average than the Silver Fangs).

The vast majority of this project will be of interest to those who like data, but the section on ranks has a more practical use — giving guidance to making higher-ranking NPCs for your stories.  If that’s what interests you, navigate to the “Building Veterans” section and proceed from there!

Template Character Demographics

The original version of this project folded template characters into the general population of actual NPCs, but I’ve ultimately decided to grant them their own examination simply because their situation is so different.  Template characters, for those familiar, are those playable characters offered at the end of tribebooks (among a few other locations).  Unlike NPCs in Rage Across books and so on, these are not characters designed to be useful to a Storyteller in a chronicle.  Instead, they are designed to inspire a desire to play, and illustrate the variety within a tribe.  They also were made as sets with rules - not ironclad rules, but rules nonetheless.

The general rules for these sets are as follows:

Even with these exceptions, the data is fairly regular.  Of 147 template characters, 80 are homid (54%), 26 are crinos-born (18%) and 41 are lupus (28%).  This is a little off from the 60%-20%-20% “ideal” spread but not tremendously so.  So, given that things are so regular and predictable, is there any information to be drawn from the demographics of the template characters?  Given that gender isn’t an avenue here, nor is tribe really (given how equally the tribes are distributed through the templates), that leaves us with distribution of breeds through the auspices.

⚠️ Warning: this link contains the published name of a Garou tribe that uses a taboo name in Algonquian languages.


Given that each auspice “should” be at about 20% if things were distributed equally, and indeed Ahroun and Galliard hover around there for homids, others diverge further.  Theurge representation is a little low, and Philodox even more so — and their difference seems to have been shunted to Ragabash.  If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that the deficiency of Philodox and Theurge here is a symptom of something we will see in the Crinos-born section.  That the difference is made up almost exclusively in Ragabash is of note however.  Perhaps authors find it easier to write human-born werewolves taking up the New Moon role, particularly as tricksters and defiers of tradition.


Crinos-born are where we can truly see divergence from the 20% even spread one might anticipate.  Theurge and Philodox are nearly 3 times as common as Ahroun and Ragabash, and Galliards fare scarcely any better than the New and Full Moons.

I believe that the implementation of Crinos-born as Theurges and Philodox is the single biggest driver of imbalance among template characters as a whole, and the most deliberate choice made.  An outsider with a disability is a common trope for more mystic characters, and so an easy slot for Theurges.  And Philodox, as the auspice of balance, seem an obvious fit with the Crinos-born who walk the line between human and wolf while truly being neither. 


Lupus, like homid, is not terribly off-balance.  There is a slight deficiency in Theurge and Philodox owing to the crinos-born tendency noted last section.  Ragabash lags further, likely for the reason hypothesized in the section on homids (i.e. that many authors found it easier to create trickster and tradition-defying homids than lupus).  This leaves a slight tendency toward Galliard and Ahroun that is most likely just a symptom of the frequency with which homids and crinos-born take up the first three auspices.

NPC Demographics

If Template characters are made for players, NPCs are made for Storytellers - tools to be used in a campaign.  This is a slight oversimplification of course, both types serve to flesh out what a representative of a given group can be and so are of use to both groups, but overall an NPC is of more importance to a Storyteller.  Setting and campaign books (e.g. “Rage Across” books) are the traditional source for NPCs, as they’re where an NPC is of most use.  Other major sources include Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse (a book of nothing but NPCs!) and the Revised era tribebooks. 

Though some may simply be a well fleshed-out character that will serve the story’s progress but are not particularly of note within their sept, and even those of low rank typically have aspirations or bigger parts to play than one might imagine.  Still, most NPCs are movers and shakers within their area.

NPCs also have considerably more freedom in their creation than the more strictly-enforced sets of Template characters.  Genders, breeds and auspices seem to be largely up to the discretion of the author; there is a tendency to have a variety of tribes represented in most books (tribebooks are an obvious exception) but that is not a particularly strong rule either. 


The first major demographic peculiarity is in gender.  All NPCs I identified fell either under male or female or unknown — I could confirm none as nonbinary.  I derived gender from the pronouns used for them regardless if the game stressed them being intersex.  And, well, there’s no avoiding it — male characters outnumber female characters two-to-one among statted NPCs. But there’s more we can discern than just that — we can look at how male and female characters differ by their expression in breeds, auspices, tribes and ranks.  A table detailing all of this can be found here, but I will provide some interesting tidbits below:


Breed is very simple — I was able to clearly identify all statted NPCs as one of the three.  As expected, homid Garou are much more common than the other two, though still a far cry from the 8-to-1 ratio of homid to lupus mentioned in the modern-day core books.  Crinos-born are relatively few even compared to lupus.  As before, a table detailing all this data can be found here, but I will provide some interesting tidbits below:


All but one Garou in my data had one of the five normal auspices; there is only one available with a Beast Courts auspice that is therefore omitted.

An equal distribution of auspices would have each at 20%; as you can see, this is mostly the case except for Ahroun being over-represented and Ragabash under-represented by that metric.  As before, a table detailing all this data can be found here, but I will provide some interesting tidbits below:


Tribal breakdown is a little looser than breed and auspice.  Early editions were less clear on what a Ronin was or how joining the Black Spiral Dancers functioned, and often listed someone’s former tribe versus their current one and made it unclear if they were still a member of their former tribe or not.  In those cases I considered them as being of “no tribe”.  There are also a few White Howler templates and NPCs in my data, but too few to really be of note here.  Also note that Hakken are included among the Shadow Lords and Boli Zouhisze among the Glass Walkers.

The most obvious thing is the sheer number of Black Spiral Dancers, but this is to be expected — antagonists are useful characters to have written out fully for a storyteller.  The other tribes cluster mostly between 6% and 8% of the total, with Red Talons and Silent Striders notably lagging behind the others.  As before, a table detailing all this data can be found here, but I will provide some interesting tidbits below:


Rank also sometimes was a mystery — occasionally you’d have NPCs listed as being of one rank but have Gifts of a higher rank in their lists.  I used my best discretion to clarify or omit these few outliers.  Adren and Athro are best-represented, with Fostern and Elders coming in next, then Cliath, and trailing well behind are, of course, the esteemed Legends.  As before, a table detailing all this data can be found here, but I will provide some interesting tidbits below:


In addition to gathering information on the demographics of statted Garou, I also kept track of their statistics — from attributes and abilities to number of gifts, levels of rites known, and so on.  In large part this was ultimately to discern average power level for each rank, but also provided interesting information regarding what stats tended to be assigned to which groups by authors for instance, the somewhat predictable higher average Appearance score of female Garou versus male Garou.

However, I ran into a problem when comparing stats between splats, which is to say that different groups were more or less likely to have high-level characters depicted at all.  Female characters, crinos-born, Ragabash, Bone Gnawers (and others) had lower average ranks than other groups did.  This is a problem because the single strongest predictor for stat totals is rank.  I ultimately decided to weight each group’s ranks to be the same.  This allows each group’s tendencies to show through in spite of overall power level differences.

A table showing all the results of this weighted average can be found here.  Note that while I only evaluate specific Abilities for those that were considered primary during Second Edition (owing to the fact that the bulk of statted characters come from that edition), the “Total Abilities” column also includes values from secondary abilities that are hidden from the public spreadsheet.  Therefore, the total of skills Alertness through Science will not add up to the Total Abilities value on their own.

The “Normal Backgrounds” section totals all backgrounds except Rites levels, as these become egregiously large in the case of some groups.  Those are tracked separately.

In the discussions by group to follow note that the gender-specific information only takes into account NPCs, while the other groups include Template characters.

Statistics by Gender

As noted in the Demographics section, all NPCs I identified fell either under male or female or unknown I could confirm none as nonbinary.  I derived gender from the pronouns used for them regardless if the game stressed them being intersex.  Given that only these two genders were represented in the data set I have, unsurprisingly on most stats either male or female was above average and the other below.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

For female characters we find stereotypical stats end up above the baseline of all Garou Social Attributes like Charisma and Appearance, plus more nurturing Abilities like Empathy and Animal Ken (echoing their representation in the Children of Gaia), along with more mystical knowledges like Enigmas, Occult and Rituals (echoing their representation with Older Brother).  More social attributes like Allies, Contacts and Pure Breed come out strong here.  Rites known are also higher than in male characters.  Rage and Willpower both lag slightly.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Male characters have a stronger lean toward Physical Attributes and raw Intelligence as well as quick Wits.  These are echoed in their Abilities, in which they exceed in combat abilities (Brawl, Dodge, Firearms, Melee) along with more scientific Knowledges (Politics, Science).  Male characters tend toward Rage more than female characters, and have also a slight edge on Willpower.

Statistics by Breed


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Unsurprisingly there is an advantage in Social Attributes; they also tend higher in Intelligence and Wits.  They also score higher in Abilities overall, with the exception of more instinctive Talents and Skills, and mystical Knowledges like Enigmas and Rituals.  They especially excel over the other breeds in Backgrounds owing to their dominance in Allies, Contacts and Resources, and a stronger representation of Kinfolk.  Their mystical tricks tend more toward Gifts than Rites, and are usually represented toward stronger Wills than their compatriots.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

While the typical crinos-born may have a higher Strength and Manipulation score than the average werewolf, it’s in Mental Attributes where they truly excel having a high overall Mental average, particularly in Intelligence and Wits.  Perhaps this is unsurprising; depending on their disability a crinos-born may have hampered Physical scores, they are often built as being less Socially skilled than others given their outsider status, and so that leaves the acuity of their mind to come to the top most often.

They also have a strong Abilities score, and do well in an intriguing mix of Abilities.  It’s more useful to acknowledge where they fall short typically Abilities that are associated most strongly with human society (Streetwise, Drive, Repair, Computers), as well as more “charming” social abilities (Animal Ken, Leadership).

Crinos-born may not have high Normal Background totals, but they do well in a variety of more mystical strengths like Ancestors, Fetish and Patron.  They also more commonly have Mentors looking out for them.  These mystical leanings manifest also as a higher-than-average Rites Known, though they lag slightly in Gifts.  Their birthright of suffering instills in them a high Rage, and their Gnosis is also higher than average, but their Willpower doesn’t quite reach homid heights.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Attribute tendencies among Lupus are unsurprising, excelling in Physical Attributes and Perception above all.  Their Abilities are also the usual battery one would expect for the wolf-born: hand-to-hand combat Abilities (Brawl, Dodge), Abilities tied to the natural world (Primal-Urge, Animal Ken, Stealth, Survival) as well as the mystical traditions of the Garou (Enigmas, Rituals).  Intimidation and Animal Ken are the only social Abilities they exceed in. 

Like crinos-born, most Backgrounds are an ill match so they tend to have more invested in Backgrounds like Ancestors and Pure Breed; the lower average Patron score is likely owed to inconsistency in recording Patron scores at all in NPCs.  Their mystical inclinations explain their higher average Rites Known.  Their average Gnosis is high, and they also bear a tendency toward higher Rage.

Statistics by Auspice

Starting here, if a stat is bolded, that auspice has the highest (or lowest) average score for that stat. 


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

In Attributes, once accounting for differences in rank, Ragabash actually have the highest overall Attributes spread.  They average high in Dexterity, Social Attributes and Mental Attributes.  After all, a good Ragabash needs a sharp mind, silver tongue and the reflexes to get out of the trouble they’ve caused.  The only Attributes they average poorly on are Strength and Stamina. 

Meanwhile, they also have the highest Abilities total of the auspices!  Their Abilities tend toward vigilance (Alertness, Investigation), the ability to get out of harm (Dodge, Stealth), as well as a strong tendency toward skills relevant to human society and technology (Streetwise, Drive, Firearms, Repair, Computer, Science).  There is also a strong social streak with Expression, Subterfuge, Performance and Politics. 

Their Backgrounds lean toward people who can provide them aid and information, with Allies and Contacts standing out, as well as an interesting tendency toward Resources.  Mystical tricks are more often Gifts than Rites, and their Rage is predictably lower than the overall average.  Gnosis is slightly below average and Willpower slightly higher.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Theurges tend toward Mental Attributes of all sorts, to the point where they lag in all other Attributes except Manipulation, which they are only middling at.  Ability totals average high for those born under the crescent moons, and some are predictably good scores for Theurges like Enigmas, Occult and Rituals.  There’s also an interesting tendency toward some technological knowledge (Repairs, Computers, Medicine, Science) and a smattering of social abilities (Empathy, Subterfuge, Etiquette).  Theurges tend to have strong Background totals, including Ancestors and Fetish, but some more human ones like Contacts and Resources also run a little high.  The low average on Patron is, as usual, not to be concerned about — authors rarely bothered to include Patron scores in character stat blocks.

As masters of mysticism Theurges average high on both Gifts known and Rites known.  Their Gnosis is, as one would predict, higher than average, while Rage and Willpower lag.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Philodox do not have a particularly strong showing with any Attribute just a slightly high average on Social and Mental Attributes, Intelligence a little more than the others.  Their Abilities tend toward the social (Empathy, Expression, Subterfuge, Leadership, Linguistics), the investigative (Computers, Investigation), and the traditional (Etiquette, Law).  Backgrounds do not average high in general for Philodox but they do tend to have their Contacts, and a good Resources average.

For the mystical, Philodox tend more toward Rites known than Gifts known.  Their Willpower averages a little high, while Rage and Gnosis lag a little.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Predictably, Galliards shine on all Social Attributes, being the highest of all auspices for Charisma and Appearance and only losing to Ragabash on Manipulation.

Their Abilities lean toward social interaction (Empathy, Expression, Animal Ken, Etiquette, Performance, Linguistics) and also have a strong showing on more mystical Knowledges (Enigmas, Occult, Rituals).

While Galliards average high on Total Backgrounds, it’s not necessarily in the ones you’d expect — they actually have a poor showing on Contacts and average on Allies.  Instead their social connection is more with their forebears, with high scores on Ancestors and Pure Breed.  Their mystical tricks lean more toward Gifts known than Rites known (which lags, in spite of their good Rituals score!), and predictably they have a higher average Rage.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

As the excess of bolding above indicates, Ahroun is an auspice of extremes, of highs and lows.  As warriors, they average high on Physical Attributes (to the point where everyone else pitches below the average because of them!), and unfortunately low on all Social and Mental Attributes.  Their Abilities average low in total and have strong showings in matters martial (Brawl, Dodge, Firearms, Melee), physical (Athletics), primal (Alertness, Primal-Urge, Survival) and regarding getting their way (Intimidation, Leadership). 

Their Backgrounds lean toward ones that suggest a certain amount of favor from without, including Fetishes bestowed upon them and Mentors keeping track of them.  They are also more likely to be marked with Pure Breed.  Their mystical abilities are on the lower end and so they tend to have fewer Gifts and Rites known.  Rage is as high as one would expect, and fortunately they have the Willpower to match (the highest of all five auspices); only Gnosis lags, by far the lowest of the auspices.

Statistics by Tribe

Starting here, if a stat is bolded, that tribe has one of the highest (or lowest) three or so average scores for that stat. 

Black Furies

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Black Furies have a higher Total Attributes than average, and Physical and Social Attributes in particular.  Stamina, Appearance and Perception are where they excel.  Their total Abilities score is higher than average and covers wide ground, including a mix of combat (Brawl, Dodge, Firearms, Melee), those you would expect of a tribe so enamored of the wild (Alertness, Athletics, Primal-Urge, Animal Ken, Stealth, Survival), and the mystical (Occult, Rituals).  Their interest in helping human society has also granted them a number of useful Abilities like Empathy, Drive, Linguistics and Medicine.

Backgrounds are varied, from the social (Kinfolk, Mentor) to the inborn (Pure Breed) to the financial (Resources).  They tend high in Gifts and Rites known, as well as Rage and Willpower.  Gnosis lags surprisingly behind, likely because relatively few lupus Black Furies can be found in the books.

Bone Gnawers

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Even once the data is weighted to equalize differences in rank distribution, Bone Gnawers lag behind in stats.  The only Attributes they are above-average in are Manipulation and Wits; all others they are average at best in.  They likewise lag in Abilities overall, though ones that help them avoid harm (Alertness, Dodge, Law, Stealth), social skills (Empathy, Politics, Streetwise, Subterfuge) and certain technological skills (Repair, Computers) are above-average here.

Unsurprisingly Bone Gnawers lag in Backgrounds, below-average in most.  The only Background they exceed in is Contacts.  These scrappy werewolves manage to have more Rites known than the average, but have fewer Gifts.  They are slightly above-average in both Rage and Gnosis.

Children of Gaia

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Unicorn’s children have low totals for Attributes and Abilities both.  Their strongest showings are in Social Attributes, particularly Charisma and Appearance, but they suffer in all Physical and Mental Attributes and even Manipulation.  The Abilities they perform well in are likewise few, notably social skills (Empathy, Expression, Animal Ken, Leadership, Performance), a smattering of Knowledges (Enigmas, Law, Rituals, Science) and of course Medicine.

Children of Gaia have solid Background totals, keeping friends among Allies, Contacts, Kinfolk and Ancestors.  Their mystical knowledge is weak in both Gifts and Rites, and their average Rage, Gnosis and Willpower are all low.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Stag’s children are blessed with high overall Attributes, particularly Physical Attributes (Stamina especially) and Social Attributes (all) with Intelligence also above average; they only fall behind in Perception and Wits.  Their Abilities are also high in total, and are particularly gifted in matters physical (Athletics, Brawl), social (Empathy, Expression, Performance, Linguistics, Politics) and enigmatic (Primal-Urge, Enigmas, Rituals). 

Unsurprisingly, Fianna do well in their Kinfolk score; a little less obvious is a tendency toward Mentor and Patron (though the latter is, still, a tentative matter that owes more to which writers bother with Patron and which don’t).  Gnosis and Willpower fall behind the average, the former likely due to a dearth of lupus and the latter due to their reputation for uncontrolled emotion.

Get of Fenris

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Like Ahroun, Get of Fenris are a tribe of extremes as stats go.  Unsurprisingly, they excel in the matter of Physical Attributes, especially Strength and Stamina; they also have good Perception. Most other Attributes they are below-average in.  Their above-average Abilities are also an unsurprising array — the physical (Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Melee), the primal (Primal-Urge, Animal-Ken), the assertive (Intimidation, Leadership) and the traditional (Law).

The Fenrir were generally built with a strong Backgrounds Total, especially in Pure Breed, strong ties like Allies and Patron, and Fetishes to aid them in battle.  They lean more toward Gifts known than Rites known, and actually are above average in Rage, Gnosis and Willpower.

Glass Walkers

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

In Attributes, Glass Walkers have higher-than-average Social and Mental Attributes (except Perception), with Manipulation, Appearance and Intelligence standing out in particular.  They also have high Ability totals, with a particular stress on social skills (Streetwise, Subterfuge, Etiquette, Leadership), technology (Drive, Firearms, Repair, Computers, Science) and knowledge (Investigation, Law, Politics).

Of all tribes, Glass Walkers average the highest Backgrounds Total, coming out ahead in Allies, Contacts, and Resources. They do fall behind in mystical matters, having fewer Gifts and Rites known.  They also have low average Rage (recall that tendency toward lower-Rage auspices) and Gnosis (being majority homid), but manage an average Willpower.

Older Brother

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Older Brother excels in all the Mental Attributes (in which they are some of the strongest of tribes), but less so in Dexterity and all Social Attributes.  Their Abilities shine most in Knowledges and a smattering of other Abilities (Alertness, Animal-Ken, Repair, Survival).  Their Enigmas, Occult and Rituals scores are all top-notch.

They have a strong Backgrounds Total, doing well in social advantages like Allies, Kinfolk and Mentor, and also more spiritual options like Ancestors and Fetish.  Their mystical inclinations are born out in high average Gifts known and Rites known.  Their Gnosis is the highest among the tribes, and their Willpower is also respectable.  Rage is slightly below average.

Red Talons

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Red Talons do not do well in Attributes, truly excelling only in Strength and Perception — in all others they fall behind.  Their list of above-average Abilities is short as well, and mostly predictable.  Combat skills like Brawl and Dodge do well, as do things useful to wild animals — Alertness, Primal-Urge, Animal-Ken, Stealth, and Survival.  Intimidation and Leadership are the only social Abilities they do well in, and they also have higher Rituals than average.

The Red Talons understandably have a low Total Background score, only doing well in Ancestors, Kinfolk and Pure Breed.  They know more Rites than the average werewolf, but fewer Gifts.  Their Rage and Gnosis are high, exceeding their Willpower.

Shadow Lords

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

The Attributes that Shadow Lords exceed in are Manipulation, Intelligence and Wits; they only fall behind on Stamina, Charisma and Perception.  Their Abilities tend toward social skills and knowledges (Intimidation, Subterfuge, Etiquette, Leadership, Linguistics, Politics), and the Abilities one might need to pass judgement (Investigation, Law).  They also have a curious streak toward technologies both simple and advanced (Drive, Firearms, Melee, Computer).

They have a low Total Backgrounds score, but do well in Contacts, Resources and Patron.  They are about average on Gifts known and below average on Rites known, and lag also in Rage, Gnosis and Willpower.

Silent Striders

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Silent Striders actually tend high in a variety of Attributes, from the Dexterity and Stamina expected of a tribe of travelers to the Perception and Wits that define their quick, sharp minds.  They also are rather likeable, with a higher Charisma than average.  They likewise have a variety of above-average Abilities.  Many are survival skills (Alertness, Athletics, Dodge, Primal-Urge, Stealth, Survival), others are social (Empathy, Expression, Streetwise, Subterfuge, Animal-Ken, Etiquette, Performance, Linguistics) and many are more esoteric (Enigmas, Occult, Rituals).  Unsurprisingly, these werewolves on the move also have a high Linguistics score.

But, being on the road doesn’t lend itself to maintaining many Backgrounds, in which they suffer overall.  Only their Contacts and Pure Breed exceed the usual.  They do carry other strengths with them, with more Gifts and Rites known than most.  Their Gnosis and Willpower are also strong while their Rage lags behind.

Silver Fangs

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

As regards Attributes, Silver Fangs tend to have a high total to begin with, and shine for two in each category — Strength & Dexterity, Charisma & Appearance, and Intelligence & Wits.  The only Attribute they are actually below average in is Perception.  Their Abilities total is a little low, but they perform well in a variety of physical Abilities (Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Melee) and social ones (Empathy, Expression, Etiquette, Leadership, Performance, Linguistics, Politics).

As the tribe of kingship, Silver Fangs unsurprisingly tend to have a high Backgrounds total and the resources that suggests — predictably high in Pure Breed, but also prone to higher levels of Fetish and Resources.  They know more Gifts than average but fewer Rites, and excel in Rage and Willpower over Gnosis.


Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Stargazers have the second-highest Attribute total of the tribes, and have above-average Dexterity, Charisma, Appearance, Intelligence and Wits.  They also have high Ability totals, a curious combination of physical Talents and Skills (Alertness, Dodge, Melee), social Talents and Skills (Empathy, Expression, Animal Ken, Etiquette, Performance) and all Knowledges other than Law and Politics.

While Stargazers do not tend to a high Background total, they have higher Ancestors, Contacts, Mentor and Pure Breed scores than is typical — it is just that they are rather low on all the others.  They are written with more Gifts than average, but fewer Rites.  Their spiritual and controlled natures shine through in higher Gnosis and Willpower, but lower Rage.

Younger Brother

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Younger Brother suffers from low stats overall.  Stamina and Charisma are the Attributes in which they excel.  Their better Abilities are an interesting mix, from the more physical (Athletics, Stealth, Survival) to social (Animal Ken, Leadership, Performance) to outliers like Drive and Medicine.

They generally have a low Backgrounds total, but do well in stronger ties like Allies, Ancestors and Kinfolk.  Their mystical skills lay more in the arena of Gifts than Rites.  They are not particularly gifted in Rage, and sit below average in Willpower and especially Gnosis.

Black Spiral Dancers

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

Their Attributes certainly lean Physical, with Strength particularly high, as well as Dexterity and Manipulation.  Their Abilities are often combat-oriented (Brawl, Firearms, Melee), or about means of getting what they want (Intimidation, Subterfuge, Etiquette, Stealth).  They are not incapable as regards the wilderness and physicality (Athletics, Primal-Urge, Survival) and have an Occult knowledge to be respected.

Their Background totals are high, particularly with Allies, Ancestors, Resources and Patron.  They are generally written with fewer Gifts known (possibly due to a smaller Gift list for the tribe and potential unsuitability of traditional Gaian gifts for their breed and auspice) but skew high on Rites known.  Black Spiral Dancers have weaker spirits and wills as indicated by their Gnosis and Willpower scores.  However, their Rage is among the highest of the tribes.

Statistics by Rank

Stat Averages by Rank

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

There is no particular reason to address the stat leanings of individual ranks — generally speaking, the higher the rank, the higher the stat.  This is entirely true for total stats like those above (i.e. Total Attributes); individual statistics may have occasional dips among the ranks (i.e. Rank 5 has a higher average Appearance than Rank 6 does) but by and large — as rank goes, so go the stats.

Build a Veteran (v1.2)

v1.2 Build-a-Veteran

Build a Veteran (v1.0)

Given that we have these average statistics for each rank, it’s easy to extrapolate a method to build higher-ranked characters from scratch.  Methods for this have been suggested by two books to my knowledge — Werewolf Storytellers Handbook (Revised) has a method based on distributing points and bonuses, while Rage Across the World suggests a method that grants a range of experience points for each level.  Both are perfectly adequate, but with the information we have we can certainly provide another method.

The following is a table which uses the information from the prior section about Statistics by Rank to create a (slightly smoothed-out) equivalent with which to make characters for use as PCs or NPCs.  If you find the WSH method to be too muddled or the RAtW method to be an overwhelming bundle of experience, this may be a viable alternative for you!

Veteran Creation Table

Statistics by SpreadsheetGarou

All values above are to be considered cumulative; you don’t need to add columns together.

Power Level Comparisons

To compare the relative strengths of the two canon methods of creating higher-ranking characters and my own, I decided to work with the experience value method from RAtW.  Building characters via my method and the WSH Rev method, I created characters that were highly under-optimized (spreading out stats as much as possible, even going so far as to pick level one gifts whenever possible) and then ones as focused as possible (maxing out stats before moving on to the next ones, taking the highest available gifts only) and then calculated their experience costs.  These provide the (rough) ranges above.  (Note: I ignored the issue of Rites known for the purposes of calculating this, as the other two methods don’t really allow for it at all anyway.)

As you can see, the Werewolf Storytellers Handbook (Revised) starts out extremely powerful at Rank Two but loses that lead by Rank 4.  Rage Across the World starts out weak but comes ahead around Rank Four, and goes far off the chart at Rank 5 (where it provides no upper bound for experience to provide).  My “Build a Veteran” method falls somewhere between — never the most powerful option available, but between the two at each rank.

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