
The Cyber Record uses information from all "legacy" Werewolf: The Apocalypse editions, which includes First Edition, Second Edition, Revised Edition, and 20th Anniversary Edition, as well as By Night Studios and Mind's Eye Theater versions.  It does not feature W5 content.
See the footer for information on the current owner of World of Darkness and Werewolf: the Apocalypse IP.

Atlas contains a map and spreadsheet companion to the map with additional information.

Rage Across Google Maps

This Google map contains the location of official and custom Septs, Caerns, Hives, and other sacred places in the Werewolf: The Apocalypse setting.

Not every site listed a specific location, or the location was fictional, and so a best-guess approach was taken for those.

Each location entry contains the basic information available for that site, and the source [book, page] is cited at the bottom of the entry.  Some contain information drawn from more than one source.

Some Septs and Caerns are named but there is no other information on them, not even an approximate location.  For obvious reasons, these will not be included on the map.  They will still be listed in the map companion spreadsheet.

Umbral sites without a terrestrial, physical correspondence are in null space above the map.

Custom locations are fan-made and sourced as the game they are featured in, and are shown in a separate map layer.  If you would like yours listed, use the form in the "Add to the Atlas" section below.

Protectorates not attached to a Caern might be added later if sufficient information can be extrapolated about their area of influence.

Materials Sourced

Atlas Change Log

October 2024 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

March 2024 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

June 2023 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

March 2023 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

January 2023 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

July 2022 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

March 2022 Additions & Updates

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

November 2021 Additions & Updates

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

October 2021 Additions & Updates

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

September 2021 Additions & Updates

New Map Layers added:

Official Hives and Pits map marker and Map Companion entry:

May 2021 Additions & Updates

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

April 2021 Additions & Updates

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

March 2021 Additions & Updates

Location, Indigenous land column entries added or updated for the following sites in the Map Companion:

January 2021 Additions & Updates

New Map Marker icon added for Septs without a Caern.

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

December 2020 Additions & Updates

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

November 2020 Additions & Updates

New Map Layers added:

Official Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

Custom Septs and Caerns map marker and Map Companion entry:

Location, Indigenous land column entries added or updated for the following sites in the Map Companion:

Moon Bridges added connecting the following map pins:


All Errata

The most recent errata is listed in italics. The following map pins were moved to coordinates more accurate to the available information, with more likely to be moved on further reading and updates:

Have a correction or other issue to report?  See the Help section.

Add to the Atlas

Fill out the form below to submit your own custom location to add to the Atlas:

Map Companion Spreadsheet

The Cyber Record's Map Companion spreadsheet is available to assist in searching for Septs and Caerns by a listed quality (such as by Caern type, or Tribe in control).  This spreadsheet also includes entries that could not be represented on the map itself, due a lack of information to determine where to place a marker for it.

The first "page" or sheet of the spreadsheet (default view) is a guide for how to navigate and make a copy for your own use.  "All Locations" includes all locations regardless of their source (Official Tabletop, Official MET, or Custom).  You can view pages that show "TT Locations Only", "MET Locations Only", and "Custom Locations Only" by clicking on their corresponding tab at the bottom of the sheet to see only those types of entries, if desired.

The Map Companion Google Sheet uses the same "legend" as the map itself:

These are mentioned in a note (indicated by a black triangle in the upper right corner of a cell) attached to the name of the entry, if applicable.

As with the map, each location entry contains the basic information available for that site, and the source [book, page] is cited in its own column.  Some contain information drawn from more than one source, and in some cases additional information such as which Indigenous land the site is located in, if there is a Wyrm-creature bound and contained by it, is also included in their own columns.

Other Spreadsheets

Status: WIP, Incomplete transcription from Laughing Hyena's original format